Living Organic Soil

*Worms & Roly Polys (Pill Bugs/Armadillidiidae)

*At the Bottum a Vid on Blending, Mix'n & Watering


Living Organic Soil:

*Carbon(C) *Mycelium(My) *Calcium(Ca) *Iron(Fe) *Coper(Cu) *Zink(Zn) *Magnesium(Mg) *Nitrogen(N) *Phosphorus(P) *Kalium(KPotassium


Soil Base:

Moltch Macro / Micro MyCaFeCuZnMgC:

-Barley (My) Mycelium & Worm Feed Grinded *Dusting Top Soil

-Kelp (Ca) Worm Feed, Health & Macro/Micro Dev.*Watering

-Bokashi (FeCuZnMg) Wurm Feed, Health & Macro/Micro Dev.*Watering

-Alfalfa & Crimson Clover (C) Extra Carbon, Mycelium, Cover Crop for *Moltch



My, Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mg, C, N:

-Barley (My) Mycelium & Worm Feed Grinded *Dusting Top Soil

-Kelp (Ca) Wurm Feed, Health & Macro/Micro Dev.*Watering

-Bokashi (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mg) Wurm Feed, Health & Macro/Micro Dev.*Watering

-Alfalfa & Crimson Clover (C) Extra Carbon, Mycelium, Cover Crop for *Moltch

-Blood Meal (N) Faster Growth *Watering 




-Barley (My) Mycelium & Worm Feed Grinded *Dusting Top Soil

-Kelp (Ca) Wurm Feed, Health & Bacter/Microbial*Watering

-Bokashi (FeCuZnMg) Wurm Feed, Health & Macro/Micro Dev.*Watering

-Alfalfa & Crimson Clover (C) Extra Carbon, Mycelium, Cover Crop for *Moltch

-Blood Meal (N) Faster Growth *Watering

-Bone Meal (P) Bigger Flowers *Watering

-Snail Shells Crushed (K) Dense Flower *Watering

*At the Bottum a Vid on Blending, Mix'n & Watering

Soil & #100 Smart Pot (380L)

*At the Bottum a Vid on Blending, Mix'n & Watering

What it does & Whats it for:

Soil Base:

Moltch Macro / Micro MyCaFeCuZnMgC:

-Barley (My) Mycelium & Worm Feed Grinded *Dusting Top Soil

-Kelp (Ca) Worm Feed, Health & Macro/Micro Dev.*Watering

-Bokashi (FeCuZnMg) Wurm Feed, Health & Macro/Micro Dev.*Watering

-Alfalfa & Crimson Clover (C) Extra Carbon, Mycelium, Cover Crop for *Moltch


*(C)        =Water(H2O) & Carbon Dioxide(Co2) are used to synthesis food during Photosynthesis. Oxygen(O2) is used to release energy from food during Respiration. plants use Chlorophyll in their leaves to absorb the energy of light. They use that Energy with (H2O) & (Co2) to make the Sugar called Glucose.

*Function of Carbon Dioxide(Co2) during Photosynthesis, during this process the plant converts the energy from the sun into Carbohydrate, Plants use this Carbon Chemical to grow


*(Ca)         =Calcium(Ca) is Secondary Nut but once Fixed, (Ca) its not mobile inside the plant, It is an important for Cell Walls and is supplied only by Xylem-Sap.

*Function of Calcium(Ca) in the form of (Ca)-Pectate, is responsible for holding together the Cell-Walls of the plant


*(Mg)        =Magnesium(Mg) is use in Photosynthesis

*Function of Magnesium(Mg) it is the Central Atom of Chlorophyll, without enough (Mg) the plants will begin to *Eat Her Self*


*(My)        =

*Function of Mycelium(My) extend the area in which a fungi can find nutrients. ... Fungi are stationary organisms, however (My) grows outwards for Water & Nutrients like *Carbon(C), *Nitrogen(N), *Phosphorus(P) & *Potassium(K) which the (My) transports to the fruiting body to produce biomass, growth and make a Mushroom


*(Fe) Iron  =

It is involved when a plant produces Chlorophyll, which gives the plant Oxygen(O2) as well as its healthy green color. This is why plants with an iron deficiency, or chlorosis, show a sickly yellow color to their leaves.

-Function of (Fe)

Is a constituent of several Enzymes and some pigments, and assists in nitrate and sulfate reduction and energy production within the plant. Although iron is not used in the synthesis of chlorophyll (the green pigment in leaves), it is essential for its formation.



-Function of (Cu)

Is that it activates some Enzymes in plants which are involved in lignin synthesis and it is essential in several Enzyme Systems. It is also required in the process of Photosynthesis, is essential in plant Respiration and assists in plant-Metabolism of Carbohydrates and Proteins.


*(ZnZink =

Its one of the essential micronutrients and an important constituent of several enzymes and proteins, is only needed by plants in small quantities. However, it is crucial to plant development, as it plays a significant part in a wide range of processes.

-Function of (Zn)

It activates enzymes that are responsible for the synthesis of certain proteins. It is used in the formation of chlorophyll and some carbohydrates, conversion of starches to sugars and its presence in plant tissue helps the plant to withstand cold temperatures



It is so vital because it is a major component of chlorophyll, the compound by which plants use sunlight energy to produce sugars from water and (C), It is also a major component for amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, Whats more it also stimulates a Healthy/Lush Growth

-Function of (N)

It is the most commonly used mineral nutrient. It is important for protein production. It plays a role in many critical Functions like Photosynthesis.

(N) is absorbed through the roots as a mineral ion dissolved in the soil water, important mineral ions are needed by plants like nitrate for making amino acids, which are needed to make proteins Without proteins, plants wither and die.



It is essential for all living organisms. Plants must have (Pfor normal growth and maturity. (Pplays a role in photosynthesis, respiration, energy storage and transfer, cell division, cell enlargement and several other processes in plants.

-Function of (P)

In plants is very important. It helps a plant convert other nutrients into usable building blocks with which to grow, (P) is one of the main three nutrients most commonly found in fertilizers.


*(K) KaliumPotassium

It is an essential plant nutrient and is required in large amounts for proper growth and reproduction of plants. (K) is considered second only to nitrogen, when it comes to nutrients needed by plants and is Known to be the “Quality Nutrient.”

-Function of (K)

It has many different roles in plants,  Photosynthesis, (K) regulates the opening and closing of stomata and therefore regulates CO2 uptake. (K) triggers activation of enzymes and is essential for production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).

Ammonia(Nh3)= PH11,5 + Culterra Nut / Bloodmeal / Nitrogen(N2) Carbon(C)Moltch+Oxygen(O2)= Carbon Dioxide(Co2)+Wurms&RolyPolys=
